Friday, November 27, 2015

Custom Parsers in IBM QRadar & Juniper STRM

I had some trouble getting all this around my head first time around so I thought I'd put it all together in one place; make things a little bit easier for both myself and whoever else cares to take a look!

Create LSX
First thing is to create a custom parser, also known as a Log Source Extension. This will allow the QRadar to parse custom logs and map data from them to columns in an event.

Do this by looking at all possible logs that will be incoming and specify the data you want to extract, this can include IP addresses, ports, and events. The most important being the event, this is the main component that QRadar will use to identify the log and map it to a QID. 

If you're going to use your own QIDs (which I would recommend) then you're going to want your Event to be mapped to something unique. Meaning if I have the following log:

2015-05-20 00:02:07,518 ERROR [common.ESBLogger] A1217ProducerEmailHandler -- processA1217Resquest -- Mapping not found in lookup table for requirement type code = 1036900347

The actual Event is the fact that the mapping was not found in the lookup table - this is what I'm going to want to look for in my parser. Now when I do something as specific as this, it really limits the amount of regex I actually have to use. If I wanted to use "ERROR" as my event, but also pick up "INFO" and "WARN", then I could use something like: 


This would result in my events being parsed as either INFO, ERROR, or WARN.

If I knew multiple types of events were going to be produced with the same syntax (following a double hyphen and ending in an equal sign, where Mapping not found in lookup table for requirement type code is in the log) I could use regex to match that:


This would be a bit more useful that just the category of the log.

Example of an LSX
<?xml!version="1.0" encoding="UTFd8"?>
Device Type: ESBLogger
Protocol: Syslog


<!-- Do not remove the "allEventNames" value -->
<pattern id="allEventNames" xmlns="">
<!-- Everything below this line can be modified --> 

<!-- Match event of Mapping not found -->

<pattern id="EventName1" xmlns="">

<match-group order="1" description="ESBLogger" xmlns="">

<matcher field="EventName" order="1" patterndid="EventName1" capturedgroup="1" enabledsubstitutions="false"/>
<eventdmatchdmultiple patterndid="allEventNames" capturedgroupdindex="1" devicedeventdcategory="unknown" senddidentity="OverrideAndAlwaysSend" />

Complete walkthrough:

Create QID
Once you create a custom parser, you need to map the parsed log to an Event. There are built in events which you can apply, however for complete customization you can create your own. Unfortunately the only way to do this is through the CLI of the QRadar box.

You're going to want to locate the low-level category for the QID map entry you want to create; use the following command for this:
/opt/qradar/bin/ -l

If you want to search for a particular low-level category, you can use the grep command to refine the results; since my example is an application log I'm going to start there
/opt/qradar/bin/ -l | grep Application

Once you know the category you can use the following command to create your QID: -c --qname --qdescription --severity --lowlevelcategoryid

The following table provides the utility options; use -h for more options:
-cCreates a new QID map entry.
--qnameType the name you want to associate with this QID map entry. The name can be up to 255 characters in length, with no spaces.
--qdescriptionType a description for this QID map entry. The description can be up to 2048 characters in length with no spaces.
--severityType the severity level you want to assign to this QID map entry. The valid range is 0 to 10.
--lowlevelcategoryidType the low-level category ID you want to assign to this QID map entry.

Complete walkthrough:

Setup Log Source
The first step is to upload the log source extension. There is a log source extension management GUI available within the Admin tab of Qradar. If the log source extension has the proper syntax, it will be accepted when uploaded to the console following the steps under the “add” action.

The next step is to create a generic log source using the “Universal DSM”. The log source needs to match against the data received from the log source. 

If the regular expression used to match against event names is working then the events should start appearing in the Qradar log window. At this point, the event name will show the “unknown” on the Qradar log viewer. Correctly matched fields such as source IP and Destination IP indicate proper functioning of the LSX.

Map Events
Unlike a DSM, a log source extension does not have any built in logic to help with event mapping. Each event shows “unknown”, however, we identified a place within each log to search for some text that will give us information on how to map a particular event. As each unknown event is matched, it will start to show that new event name each time that type of event is seen.

A button titled “Map Event” is available from the menu while viewing an event detail. This will give a pop up box showing the event name we are searching for in the log. There is a search dialog for selecting an available event name or “Qradar Identifier” or QID.

This data will also begin to populate any rules that reference this particular Qradar identifier.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

From Ping to Pwn - Part 1 (continued) - Vulnerability Scanning

Now we can begin to explore some of these services, a lot of them are pretty common (ftp, telnet, http, etc) where others are a little weird. Let's get poking. (you can use the -A option in Nmap to gather a vast amount of information regarding each service, but since I'll be getting Nessus going in a moment, I'm going to skip that for now).

I'm going do the following one port at a time (if possible) to exhaust every option for the purpose of practice. But first, lets find some vulnerabilities, we can do this in a couple different ways. We can manually search for vulnerabilities based on the services running. We can load up Nessus, Nexpose, or OpenVAS to automatically scan for vulnerabilities; I'll be using Nessus.

A nice colour-coded list of all the things Nessus found.
Nessus is capable of integrating to Metasploit, however I had some issues getting that working so we're going to just side-step that for now. Above you can see a snippet of the vulnerabilities that Nessus found in our target - there's quite a lot.

As I said, we're going to be going one port at a time, so lets find out what's up with our FTP services (port 21). Unfortunately it looks like Nessus wasn't capable of finding any exploit on the service (vsftpd v2.3.4) so let's do a quick search on exploit-db to see if we can find anything.

Service fingerprint result from Nmap
Our search results from exploit-db.
And there she is.
For more information about the module itself, you can take a look at Rapid7's database (these are the guys who make Metasploit and Nexpose); it's also a pretty good database for looking for vulnerabilities. I'm going to be going over attacking and exploitation in a separate post.

Next up is SSH.

Vulnerabilities filtered by "SSH"
We can see that Nessus did indeed find two usable exploits regarding SSH, before we continue lets do a quick search on exploit-db again using the SSH service running on the target machine to be safe.

We can filter by port when using the services command.
None of these really stand out for the version we're attacking, so lets just try our luck with the two Nessus dug up.
The right hand side of Nessus (once viewing the vulnerability itself) gives us some information regarding it. When it was found, when it was patch, whether or not exploits are available and what software can take advantage of it. But the piece that interests us (especially since Metasploit isn't listed here) is that CVE number. Lets punch that into exploit-db and see if anyone's scripted an attack we can use.
WarCat team's exploit for this CVE.
And we're in luck! We found a python script that'll attempt to brute force the SSH keys.

Next is SMTP, port 25, the target machine is using Postfix. Nmap didn't reveal too much information about the service running on the target, only that it was Postfix; this is a good chance (and reason) to enumerate the service. Enumeration can (potentially) tell us a lot of information about the service (and target). Everything from what version it's running on, to possibly what user accounts are on the mail server. Luckily, as usual, Metasploit has a module for this.
Found some usernames!
We managed to grab some usernames off the service, but still don't know what version it's running! Argh. Also should note that when Metasploit finds information through it's modules, it conveniently adds it to the database for us!

Since we don't have any leads on specific vulnerabilities to exploit, we can do two searches within Metasploit to see if she has anything to offer. The first being for Postfix specifically, the second for just SMTP.
It's not surprising that something as generic as SMTP for a search string is going to result in a large number of available modules. A lot of these are Windows-specific but I can see a few Unix ones we can attempt along with the Postfix-only exploit.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

From Ping to Pwn - Part 2: Attack

This post will be updated constantly and is essentially a live draft.

In Part 1 we found out all the vulnerabilities in our target system that we could. This is where we're going to initiate attacks and (hopefully) pwn the machine.

Layer 2 Attacks
There's a few things we can try (and honestly, easily mitigate afterwards) to get information from the switches in our network. Unfortunately I don't have a switch in my network so the results may not be useful, but in a pen test we won't know if there's a switch or not and there's only one way to find out!

I'm going to go over five layer 2 attacks, DHCP starvation, CAM table overflow, VLAN hopping, STP root hijacking, and ARP poisoning.

Let's first try the ones that will be against the switches themselves opposed to any router/firewall in the network (so everything but ARP and DHCP).

CAM tables are where a switch stores all of its known MAC addresses, allowing it to switch packets to the appropriate port. Especially on older switches, the number of entries in this table is limited, and as to not interrupt (drop) network traffic, when it reaches it's limit it simple floods the network; every packet is going to go to our every port in hopes it reaches it's intended recipient. And thanks to STP it will ripple to every switch in the network!

Easiest way to do this is to specify the egress interface, opposed to a target.
This will allow us to reconstruct TCP streams on the network, and essentially sniff all traffic going through the switching network in our VLAN. You'll need to have Wireshark running when this happens, just keep that in mind; this will also cause the network to be really slow due to congestion, and if the target has any sort of network monitoring like SolarWinds set up they'll be able to see this happen.

Next up is going to be VLAN hopping, if we do this, we can repeat the above to get information about the other subnets that might be out there. VLAN hopping is done by exploiting a broken default config in switches (Cisco specifically from my experience) which allows DTP (dynamic trunking protocal) to be negotiated on a whim. Morale of the story, turn off DTP and for the love of god don't use VLAN1 on your network. This attack along with STP root hijacking, I unfortunately can't test because I don't have a switch! But both are done using Yersinia (in Kali, and looks like BT5, Yersinia's ncurses GUI is broken, so use the GTK GUI).

For VLAN hopping:
Select DTP tab
Select neighbour from list
Click Launch Attack from top left
Select enable trunking and press OK
For STP root hijacking:
Select STP tab
Select neighbour from list
Click Launch attack from top left
Select claiming root role and press OK
Both of these attacks will require Wireshark logging to get anything useful. With VLAN hopping you'll be able to sniff (and reconstruct) VoIP streams fairly easily.

That leaves DHCP starvation, and ARP poisoning. Both will allow for MiTM attacks on the network; should be noted that most NGFWs these days won't allow this sort of stuff to happen, but A LOT of people are running legacy gear so it's worth a shot.

DHCP Starvation:
Again in Yersinia
Select DHCP tab
Click Launch Attack
Select sending discover packets
Click Launch
After this is going, it'll use up all the DHCP addresses on the network, once this happens we can position ourselves as a DHCP server responding to all DHCP DISCOVER requests and allow us to be the gateway for all traffic, we'll be able to see all traffic in the network. We can attempt DHCP spoofing with Ettercap.

And lastly for the ARP poisoning we can actually use a different tool that isn't Yersinia! Ettercap.
-Tq means text-only and quiet (non-verbose) mode. -i is interface, -w output file, -M is MitM mode, and the IPs are the target and the default gateway.
Now this one actually did work, but it can be pretty noisy, below you can see what happens when I run it on my entire subnet. So be careful when selecting your target.
My host firewall (Glasswire) detecting ARP changes.
Ettercap is a brilliant tool and definitely something to reach for when you're actually in the network; you can actually do live SSL decryption attacks with it by spoofing SSL certs. The manual is something worth checking out. Sadly these types of attacks are becoming less and less and viable due to network visibility and firewalls like Palo Alto. We'll go over mitigation towards the end of this series.

Continuing on!

Port 21 - FTP
If you remember, we went through ports one at a time, so we're going to be getting started with FTP.
Here's the exploit that we found.
We'll need to load up the exploit and assign our target to it. Each exploit has local variables it uses to exploit with. We can however, assign a global variables (such as RHOST, which is the target) as we're only attacking a single machine; let's just use local variables for now.

Well that was pretty easy. Let's keep going.

Since we're root, we can access most things. Lets first grab the shadow file and the passwd files so we can use them later. These are found in /etc/. This isn't an actual Meterpreter shell so we can't use the download commands, but if we shove the session into the background, the session will stay open so we can interact with it using other modules.

Note the "unshadowed password file", hashdump took the passwd file and the shadow file and combined them for us so we don't have to do it manually once we load it into John the Ripper to attempt a crack. It also conveniently stashed it in the "loot" directory for future access.
I killed this before it finished because the one username that's left, root, is too complex for John to brute force, especially since I'm using a very slow VM.

So if we want to keep going with password cracking, there's two things we can try, a dictionary attack or a GPU-based hash brute force. Let's try both.

Kali includes a wordlist we can use for our attempt at /usr/share/wordlists/. For simplicity's sake I put just root's hash into a separate file.
root is the username
$1 shows us that this is an MD5 encryption
$/avpfBJ1 is the salt
$x0z8w5UF9Iv./DR9E9Lid. is the actual hash

John wasn't able to find the password using the wordlist that's included in Kali. But surely there's more words than what's in there. I already have downloaded a 15GB wordlist file we can try, and since I have a pretty powerful GPU, let's try using Hashcat.

Quick breakdown of Hashcat options we're using:
-m is the attack method, 500 suggests MD5(unix)
-a is the attack method, 0 is dictionary attack
-o assigns an out file where any recovered passwords will be written to.
So it didn't look like it was able to find a match. We can configure Hashcat to account for additional variants by changing our attack type to hybrid dictionary + mask (-a 6). This attack type allows us to combine our wordlists with a mask. A mask may contain any number of the following five variables:

?l attempts every combination of a-z
?u attempts every combination of A-Z
?d attempts every combination of 0-9
?s attempts every combination of special characters
?a attempts every combination of a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and special characters.

I ran some variables for half a day and didn't get any match. Brute force was also going to take 3 days for 8-character length passwords, I cancelled it early as seen below:
-m is the encryption method, in this case it's MD5(unix) which is 500, -a is the attack mode, 3 for brute force, and -o specifies our outfile.

Port 22 - SSH
With SSH we found that Nessus detected a viable vulnerability regarding predictable RSA keys. Unfortunately, reading over the documentation on this exploit reveals that we need the public key for this exploit to work, so we'll need that first. Luckily we just found some credentials to play with.

We can go back into the session we already had open with the FTP exploit and grab the authorized_key file from root's SSH directory.
We can use this with the downloaded RSA key list from the exploit page itself. The vulnerability that we're trying to exploit relies on the fact that RSA key generation (in older versions of OpenSSH) weren't so random as they were originally believed to be. There was a total of 32,767 possible keys for any given architecture. More info on this can be found here. Continuing on...

Now that we have the authorized keys from the target machine, lets run it against the public key list we have to see if there's a match we can use to attempt an SSH connection.
Okay, so that didn't work, the key is blacklisted due to this vulnerability being known. After seeing this I did some Googling around and saw other people, attacking this same machine, being successful and were prompted to continue anyway. I can't seem to get that to come up so let's just chalk this up to it doesn't work. And if you're wondering about the Python script we found on the exploit-db page:
The script will essentially dictionary attack the SSH service on the target using the RSA key list we have, this way you can attack the service itself without having the public key already. The variable at the end denotes keys-per-second. It didn't work either.

Port 23 - Telnet
So what do we know. Nmap tells us that the target machine is running plain out Linux telnetd. Nessus is telling us that they're using unencrypted telnet, which would be good if this was a live host and we could MiTM it, but alas, we cannot. What's left to try? Let's explore Hydra.

From the hashes we cracked earlier, we can create a file which to give to Hydra of usernames and passwords and see who has authorization to access telnet on the machine. We only have a handful of users and can probably go about this manually, but say you compromise a server with a hundred users on it, would you want to do that manually? I don't think so!
Now we know that all the logins we got from John are good for Telnet access. Now, Hydra is capable of brute-forcing using a user list and a password list - it'll just take a very, very, very long time on my VM.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

From Ping to Pwn - Part 1: Recon & Scanning

This post will be updated constantly and is essentially a live draft.

I've had a hard time finding pentest labs/how-tos/etc that are complete (without paying $1000+ on training). Most things include tid bits that they expect you to put together, well my brain needs structure so I'm going to do it myself. I've noticed a lot of people complaining that CEH isn't practical and that you should be doing OSCP, or eCCPT, or GPEN or whatever else is out there. I think this is a misconception - CEH is practical, they just don't test you on it.

This isn't going to cover everything, because I'm using Metasploitable 2 for a victim, meaning no Windows-based hacks, but it should be good enough to get your (and my) head around the methodology and tools used in your average grey box pen test. I'm also not going to go into depth about setting up Kali, Metasploit, or any other tools that I'll be using (Nessus, etc).

First up, reconnaissance.

Since this is a grey box pen test, meaning I know a little bit about the victim but not everything; we're in a closet somewhere plugged into an access switch; lets start off with a look around the LAN.

Fire up the Metasploit and create a new workspace - this will allow us to organize all our findings in a database for later reference. We'll need this information for our report at the end.

Before we get to scanning, let say we don't have a DHCP server, or we do and it's locked down with MAC reservations, we can plug into the network all we want but without an IP address we're not gonna get very far. Luckily layer 2 doesn't operate with an IP address.

The first thing we can try to do is just fire up Wireshark and see if anything comes in. If we're on an access port with other hosts, we should see some broadcast traffic at the very least.

My Juniper is very noisy.
You can see above that my Juniper is harassing my LAN with ARPs. This tells us that there's a Juniper firewall on the network acting as the gateway, and we can also see the local subnet ( for the VLAN we're connected to. From here we can try a couple Layer-2 attacks to gather more information; these aren't necessarily things you want to be doing when you're trying to be stealthy but in a professional pen-test they'll need to be done to ensure there's no gaps in your network. I'm going to put the Layer 2 attacks at the top of the second post in this series to keep all attacks organized, in a real hack you'll be bouncing back and forth between every phase outlined in the CEH, but for the purpose of this series it's going to attempt to keep them separate.

Now lets do a ping sweep of the LAN (based on the IP our Kali box has via DHCP) for potential targets. If you've ever looked at the manual for nmap, you know there's a couple dozen options and based solely on CEH content, it's hard to know when to use what. 

TCP uses a three-way-handshake, SYN, SYN-ACK, ACK. Nmap uses this in the following way (by default): I send a SYN packet to my target, if I receive a RST, the port is closed, if I receive a SYN-ACK the port is open. Simple. Ok back to what we were talking about...

The lab network I'm using doesn't have an IPS, and the target doesn't have HIDS or a firewall configured (but I do have a stateful firewall in between) - but if I'm a hacker, I'm not supposed to know that. So let's try some evasion techniques.

The first thing you wanna do is  use ACK - this way IF there is a firewall on the host, you'll be able to know pretty easily, and you'll also decrease your chance of detection as the firewall (probably) won't log ingress ACKs (I say probably because it depends on your firewall). Using the db_nmap command directly from Metasploit allows us to log all of our findings to the workspace database we created earlier.
The unfiltered result tells us there is no firewall present on the machine.
Following this we can do a TCP SYN scan on the target knowing that we're not going to trigger the firewall. To avoid any inline IPS or SIEM we can do our scan slowly using the -T option, -T0 for insanely slow and -T5 for very fast (-T3 is the default); hopefully this way no scanning patterns will be picked up.

Small breakdown of Nmap options:
nmap -sS <target>
The SYN scan is the default and most popular scan option. It's fast and relatively unobtrusive and stealthy. This is also known as a half-open TCP scan, as it does not complete the TCP handshake.

TCP Connect Scan
nmap -sT <target>
Similar to above, however it does open a connection (full three-way handshake) to the target machine, thus it's not as stealthy.

Version detection
nmap -sV <target>
Uses a TCP SYN scan to find open ports and fingerprints them, attempting to identify services running. Additional does a banner grab, which is displayed in the info column of our services output in Metasploit.

Ping Scan
nmap -sP <target>
Probably the simplest Nmap function, simply checks if hosts respond to ICMP packets.

Operating System detection
nmap -O <target>
Attempts to identify the operating system. This also ID's any open ports.
You can use the --osscan_limit in conjunction with this to only do a service scan and ignore the OS detection.

Another useful option is -PN, which runs scans regardless if the host is alive. It does this by omitting ICMP-based health checks against the target machine. This is useful for evading firewalls and IPS devices in the network as they can easily pick up ping sweeps.

I should use this time to point out one of the best resources on nmap and network scanning is Secrets of Network Cartography by James Messer - definitely worth a read.

Another thing you can attempt, which is going to be good if you've got a server you know is in the network, such as a DNS server, is a Zombie Scan (AKA Idle Scan). You'll be able to mascaraed your scan's source address as another on the LAN. The first thing you want to do is identify an idle machine on the network. It's important it's idle so we can use it to essentially relay our scan. It's going to do this by first telling us it's IP ID - this is a counter in the header of every IP packet the system sends out. It's going to work something like this:
We send out our SYN to our target using the zombie's IP as the source address, if the IP ID of our zombie increase by two (SYN-ACK, ACK) then we know the port is open, if it increased by one (RST) then we know the port is closed. But before that we need to ID a zombie, Metasploit has an auxiliary module for us to use for this purpose.

Hosts returning "Incremental" are gonna be our Zombies.
So there's only two zombies in my home network that we can play with.

-Pn treats all hosts as alive, --source-port is source port spoofing, --data-length changes the packet size to avoid detection based on 58-byte default length of nmap scans, and -sI is our idle scan, the first IP being the zombie, the second our target.
The response from my firewall.
Unfortunately it looks like none of them work (probably because my firewall is preventing it), this is something that's gonna happen during most tests. Lets continue with using the CEH-default scan.

The db_nmap command ensures all data is saved to our workspace database.
Using the hosts command we can see the list of hosts in our network that the Nmap scan found.

And the services command to see the ports open on each machine.

And with that we have our initial scan complete and successfully identified our target (sort of obvious with every service possible running on it, it's not called Metasploitable for no reason!).

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Upgrading a Cisco IPS

This tutorial will guide you through upgrading the firmware on an IPS (Intrusion Prevention System) sensor. We don't want our systems hacked by Chloe from 24, so we need to keep our stuff in tip-top shape! Onward!

Set it up

Download the image file(s) from You can up/download them to an FTP, SCP, HTTP, or HTTPS server; provided your sensor can access it.

Pull it down

Log into the sensor via a terminal console (telnet or ssh). In configuration mode, we need to pull the image file we downloaded off our server. This example uses our FTP server:
conf t
upgrade ftp://ftpuser@
You'll be prompted for a password, so put it in
Enter password: ********
Enter yes to complete the upgrade.

The device will pull the image off the server, decompress, install, then reboot. Once rebooted log back in via terminal and check the version.
show ver
And that's it! Chloe can go whine to Jack because she can't get in anymore.

Armageddon (Optional!)

IPS modules are usually in-line, meaning they're the cream filling in our Oreo network. If they go down, everything goes down. So you've unleashed the fires of hell upon earth!

Alright, there's a couple things you can do to prevent this from going four-horsemen bad.

1. Make sure to have someone on site, next to the rack, rearing to go

2. Have a cabling contingency; so you can bypass the failed IPS

3. Have another IPS to swap in!

Even with all that, you'll need to get it back to a clean-working state. For this we'll need ROMMON (woo!)


ROMMON is the boot-loader of an Cisco device, much like on an Android phone. It allows you to manage system files without booting into the OS. Download the IPS system image file to the tftp root directory of a TFTP server that is accessible from your IPS. Make sure you can access the TFTP server location from the network connected to the Ethernet port of your IPS.

Press Break or Esc at the following prompt while the system is booting to interrupt boot. Press the spacebar to begin boot immediately.

You have ten seconds to press Break or Esc.
Use BREAK or ESC to interrupt boot.
Use SPACE to begin boot immediately.
The system enters ROMMON mode. The rommon> prompt appears.

Check the current network settings.
rommon> set
ROMMON Variable Settings:
The variables have the following definitions:
Address: Local IP address of IPS
Server: TFTP server IP address where the application image is stored
Gateway: Gateway IP address used by IPS
Port: Ethernet interface used for IPS management
VLAN: VLAN ID number (leave as untagged)
Image: System image file/path name Config—Unused by these platforms

Not all values are required to establish network connectivity. The address, server, gateway, and image values are required.

The default interface used for TFTP downloads is Management0/0, which corresponds to the MGMT interface of IPS.

Verify that you have access to the TFTP server by pinging it from your local Ethernet port with one of the following commands.
rommon> ping
Define the path and filename on the TFTP file server from which you are downloading the image.
rommon> IMAGE=path/file_name
Caution Make sure that you enter the IMAGE command in all uppercase. You can enter the other ROMMON commands in either lower case or upper case, but the IMAGE command specifically must be all uppercase.

UNIX Example
rommon> IMAGE=/system_images/IPS 4240-K9-sys-1.1-a-7.0-4-E4.img
The path is relative to the default tftpboot directory of the UNIX TFTP server. Images located in the default tftpboot directory do not have any directory names or slashes in the IMAGE specification.

Windows Example
rommon> IMAGE=\system_images\IPS 4240-K9-sys-1.1-a-7.0-4-E4.img
Enter set and press Enter to verify the network settings.

You can use the sync command to store these settings in NVRAM so they are maintained across boots. Otherwise, you must enter this information each time you want to boot an image from ROMMON.


Download and install the system image.

rommon> tftp
To avoid corrupting the system image, do not remove power from the IPS while the system image is being installed.

If the network settings are correct, the system downloads and boots the specified image on the IPS. Be sure to use the correct IPS image. And now we're back to square-one, BUT without the fire and brimstone. :)

GRE pass-through on ZBF

Simple little config snippet for a Cisco Zone-Based firewall.

First you need to put in a deny statement for GRE traffic in an ACL.
Deny? Wait a second, don't we want traffic to pass?
Well of course we do! But if you remember in a Zone-Based firewall your outbound ACL is used in a class-map to inspect traffic; dynamically allowing bi-directional sessions. The reason we want to deny it is you can't inspect GRE traffic; it just doesn't work.
(config)#ip access-list extended ACL_PERMIT_GRE
(config-ext-nacl)#deny gre any any

Okay so we're not inspecting traffic, but we still need to pass it. To do this we have make a class-map to nest under out outbound and inbound policy-maps.

Now we'll create our class-map which matches GRE traffic, referencing the ACL we just made:
(config)#class-map type inspect match-all CMAP_PASS_GRE
(config-cmap)#match access-group name ACL_PERMIT_GRE

Then we want to apply this to our policy maps and define the action as pass.
The policy maps I'm applying these to also contain class-maps for generic traffic.
(config)#policy-map type inspect PMAP_UNTRUST_TO_TRUST
(config-pmap)#class type inspect CMAP_PASS_GRE

(config)#policy-map type inspect PMAP_TRUST_TO_UNTRUST
(config-pmap)#class type inspect CMAP_PASS_GRE

And that's about it, your GRE should be good to go. This will work for PPTP pass-through on a Cisco IOS running in ZBF and the same principal should apply for an ASA.